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Spring Cleaning For Your Memories
As you're tidying up this season, don't forget
your special photos. Let Before & After Photo
efresh and bring new life to your cherished memories.
Share extra copies with family and friends.

Heads Up: Taking a short Spring Break,
closed Monday, 3/24 - 4/9, open Thursday 4/10.

Open: Monday - Friday 9 - 4; anytime by appointment.
Curbside service available, 207-725-9499.

020125 sample 2.jpg
010125 sample.jpg
gift certificates 2.jpg
060124 sample.jpg
040124 sample.jpg

Crayon Portraits

Crayon portraits were soft focus photographs
enhanced by an artist using charcoal or pastels.
These portraits were printed on matte paper
or canvas 16x20, and were near life size.
They have the appearance of
a drawing or painting.

Have Before & After Photo create
Custom Notecards,
they make unique gifts and personalized correspondence.

Vintage snapshot can be hand colored and background details cleaned up
Old photo of farm house restored contrast and sky damage repaired
Before & After Photo makes house calls to photograph oversize originals
Faded black & white photo of woman now restored to like new condition
090122 sample 3.jpg
12-01-20 sample longo
12-01-20 sample longo 5x1
120121 sample cutler2
120121 cutler sample
120121 cutler sample 3
120121 cutler sample 4
burns sample 1
burns sample 2
timmins before
timmins sample 2
Image broken and missing pieces
buchanan sample
Black & white faded, broken in 2
Beautiful portrait restored
Dark shadows, reflections in glasses
Special image repaired
Wedding photo
Wedding photo
Portrait of baby
Portrait of baby
Man in suit
Man in suit
Old wedding photo
Old wedding photo
Polaroid of portrait
Portrait painting
Two photos of kids
Photo of kids
Mans portrait
Mans portrait
Photo of two brothers
Photo of two brothers
Old portrait of lady
Old portrait of lady
Restored faded black & white photo of woman driving Model A Ford
Faded black & white photo of woman driving Model A Ford

Years of retouching expertise guarantee the highest quality results. All orders are processed "in house"
by owner, photographer, and digital artist Christine MacKenzie. If it's photographic, Before & After Photo Restoration is the place to take all your precious photographs for friendly expert advice.

Little brother has been added to sibling photo
Little brother missing from sibling photo
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